ZIO Analog Front End + Boost Demo Videos |
The Official ZIO Introduction Video
Creators Jesse Remignanti and Christopher Venter describe the inspiration and engineering behind the ZIO preamp/boost. |
"I Had To Put This On My Board"
Upon receiving the ZIO, Pete Thorn put it directly in his touring rig. Pete explains how he uses it during a soundcheck in Yeovil, UK. |
Andy Demos Explores ZIO
Andy Martin uses ZIO to jolt the front of an edge-of-breakup amplifier, eliminate "tone suck," and as a preamp boost for a bass. |
"Subtle Differences Makes ALL the Difference"
Guitarist Corey Congilio takes us to ZIO University in this wonderfully comprehensive demo of the ZIO's four independent & distinct preamp circuits. |
R.J. Ronquillo Starts a Fire!!
R.J. rips through some incredible lead guitar in this fast and furious ZIO demo video. If you want to skip the talk and get to the rock, this is the one for you. |
That Pedal Show Engage the ZIO
Our old friends Dan and Mick of That Pedal Show test a great collection of clean boost pedals including the ZIO Analog Front End + Boost. |
Pop Into the Chemist Pops Into ZIO
Guitarist Mike Hermans tests the ZIO's ability to sweeten a guitar tone with any of its four discrete preamp circuits. |
In the Studio with ZIO
Guitarist and Music Producer Michael Nielsen tests the ZIO Analog Front End + Boost at Ninja Tracks Studio in Encino, CA. |
Leon Todd Gets Heavy
Leon Todd gets some killer high voltage guitar tones with his ZIO Analog Front End + Boost in front of some high gain amplifiers. |
The Sweetwater Demo
Mitch Gallagher of Sweetwater Sound delivers highly detailed descriptions of each of ZIO's four independent and distinct preamp circuits. |
Nobes Music Gets Clean with ZIO
Session guitarist Richie Nobrega Jr. keeps things clean in this mostly overdrive-free demo of the ZIO Analog Front End + Boost. |
Do Noise Does ZIO
Our old friend Do Noise is back and taking a long and detailed look at the ZIO by itself and combined with some great drive pedals. |
Tri Pedal Review on ZIO
A no-nonsense look at the ZIO Analog Front End + Boost from Tri Pedal Review. A nice look at the character of each preamp circuit. |
Rhett Shull Shares Some Tone Knowledge
"One amp can do EVERYTHING!" Rhett Shull shares some tips for getting the most out of an amplifier including using the ZIO Analog Front End + Boost to achieve natural overdrive. |
Mogar Music Demos ZIO
If you don't want to hear the talk, you just want to rock the rock, our friends at Mogar Music in Italy made the video for you. |