User Manuals
Sometimes it pays to read the manual. Find a comprehensive collection of instruction guides for our One Series, Utility, and Soundblox 2 pedals on our User Manuals page.
Editors & Firmware
Download all of the latest Source Audio effects editing software as well as firmware updates for the Ventris Dual Reverb, Nemesis Delay, Aftershock Bass Distortion, Vertigo Tremolo and the rest of the One Series pedals.
Knowledge Base
We don't have all the answers, but we can tell you a lot about Source Audio products. And we do know which questions are asked most frequently. Click the link below to browse our Knowledge Base (FAQ) and find the answer.
Demo Videos
Check out the latest and greatest Source Audio demos. See and hear demos created by the Source Audio staff as well as other great videos from video artists all across the globe.
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