The Ultrawave Multiband Processor embarks on a pioneering journey into the advanced potential of overdrive and tremolo, exploring a brave new universe of sounds yet unheard. At the Ultrawave’s core is a dynamic and multi-dimensional approach known as multiband processing. This process splits the frequency spectrum of a guitar, bass, or synthesizer into multiple, discrete frequency bands and equips each band with its own array of adjustable parameters including Drive, Level, and Tremolo. In the official Source Audio Demo, Nathan Navarro (bass) and Lyle Brewer (guitar) demonstrate many of the out-of-this-universe overdrive, fuzz and tremolo sounds available in the Ultrawave.
An In-Depth Tutorial On The Ultrawave
An in-depth tutorial on how to create, publish, and download Ultrawave Multiband Processor user presets with the Ultrawave's Neuro Desktop Editor interface.
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