Become a "Featured Neuro Artist" and Win a Source Audio Pedal of Your Choice
We at Source Audio love when musicians get creative with our gear. We also love when musicians get really creative and post awesome Neuro presets with sound links! Effective this month, Source Audio is starting a “Featured Neuro Artist of the Month” program. It will run through December 2020. Each month's Featured Artist wins a One Series pedal of their choice, plus their presets will become a permanent fixture on our Featured Neuro Artist Page.
To enter, all you need to do is publish cool presets to the Neuro Community and support them with a YouTube or SoundCloud link of you (or somebody else) demonstrating the preset. Every Source Audio One Series pedal is fair game! Each month's Featured Neuro Artist will be selected by the Source Audio staff. If you don't know how to publish presets with accompanying sound clips watch the video below.
To enter, all you need to do is publish cool presets to the Neuro Community and support them with a YouTube or SoundCloud link of you (or somebody else) demonstrating the preset. Every Source Audio One Series pedal is fair game! Each month's Featured Neuro Artist will be selected by the Source Audio staff. If you don't know how to publish presets with accompanying sound clips watch the video below.
Instruction on Publishing Presets with YouTube or SoundCloud Links in the Listing
(September, 2021)
Meet Brett Wondrak (a.k.a. @bwondrak), a fantastic ambient guitarist our of Cleveland, OH. Brett is our Featured Neuro Artist for the month of September, 2021. Under the moniker Be Here Now, he started publishing fantastic presets and sound clips with the Ventris Dual Reverb and Nemesis Delay. You will find those glorious guitar tones in his Moments series, a live-looping project he started on Youtube about three years ago. Brett told us, "This channel enabled me to dive deep into my love of pedals. I used my Moments series as a way to explore and share my favorite sounds and tonal discoveries. This is actually a big part of what drew me to Source Audio in the beginning (aside from the obviously great sounds that can be attained with their pedals). I love sharing my presets via the Neuro app and have learned a lot from other people's Community presets." Since those early days, Brett has expanded his Source Audio sound palette to include the C4 Synth and Ultrawave Multiband Processor. We are very excited to take a deeper look into some of our favorite @bwondrak published presets. Brett was good enough to talk with us and give us a better understanding of the inspiration behind his presets.